
LocationLos Angeles ClientsPierre Cardin, Alpa, Chanel, Vitruve associes, Gallérie Matignon, Técla, Isabelle Langlois, Terre de vin magazine, Hôtel Lancaster, Prophot, Henri Le Roux, Chamborelle création, Philippe Zorzetto, Saint Honoré Paris, Dominique Denaive Paris, L’Artisan du regard, Matthew Cookson, Jovoy Paris, Art acquisition, Vanessa & Mehdi, Arpège, Hôtel Baltimore, Henry Julien, Jamin Puech paris, OOB mag, EX Nihilo, Caron Paris, Pontarlier-Ahis, L’hôtel du collectionneur, Hôtel Vendôme Paris, Pure Wave, Silvus technologies, Litter Robot, Jack Storms, Raw Sugar, Viv Storms, mag ProfessionFashion, Beauty VitaEric Dosantos is the engineer, who’s acute sense of detail is what compels him to be a great artist. He received his Bachelor Degree in Engineering from San Diego State University where his education and training birthed his ability to multitask and work on multiple projects simultaneously while remaining dedicated and determined to create with precision. In addition, he also had a natural passion for photography which he experimented with, and cultivated a true love for. A master of details and anaylsis, he combines his artistic nature with his scientific training to bring life to the subjects he shoots. It was in Paris where he developed his photography skill set for four years, working for luxury agencies as well as  fashion companies, sharpening his senses every day. His journey as an artist to create and perfect visuals, led him to meet his wife, Alizée, who artistically and professionally complimented him, again (perfectly).

Alizée Lutz is a dreamer and a lover of creative innovation, with sensitivity to human psychology and the ability to capture a person’s  “je ne sais quoi”. She brings beauty, intensity, and a unique vibrancy to her work. Moreover, along with her intuitive sense of vision, she also provides a woman's touch and powerful sense of leadership to her roles as a photographer and artistic director. Raised in Saint Tropez, France, she moved to Southern California to begin a new journey after meeting Eric and combining artistic forces. Her art is defined and reflected by the beauty she observes in humans, objects, and great design. As a self-taught photographer, she has refined her sense of vision over the year’s by focusing on themes of emotion, gender, and psychology, driving her to take control of her work and develop the skills necessary and the passion for editing, which allowed her to highlight details in her work, and constantly seek ways to strengthen the beauty of image beyond expectation. Eric’s talent and photographic style caught Alizée's attention, and together they decided to create their agency in Los Angeles.
